Tuesday, November 24, 2009
my arms are still itching even so many days have passed and I don't know what's wrong, is it something that I ate or...? I really have no idea all I know that I just want the itching to stop! It's totally getting on my nerves. Anyway, MR paper is over and the questions which we wanted came out. So all that is left is RP and MSO which is tomorrow and Sat morning. Then after all the papers are over, it will be hello to 2 weeks holiday before the new term starts. I'm hoping that year 3 isn't as tough as year 2. I really cannot wait till the whole degree course is over then there'll be no more books forever!
Friday, November 20, 2009
a day out
Finally met up with moon yesterday and had a fun time talking at Starbucks, although we're suppose to be studying. She did copy the notes and I tried to study but nothing went in. Then I went off to Wisma to meet mom and we shopped. I felt so good after spending a day out of home, I bought Khiel's to try and hopefully it's good. But in the end mom spent the most buying Christmas present and shoes. It has been so long since mom and I spent a day together shopping.
Exams on monday and I cannot seem to focus on studying. Tonight's going to be a long night for me.
I want to watch 2012!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Sister's Keeper
I went to bed with a stomach ache which haunted me all the way through bedtime and in the end I didn't have a good night's sleep cos the ache kept on waking me up. I don't know what's wrong.
The ache didn't get any better until I had to visit the washroom twice in an hour. But it's still aching slightly and I'm just hoping that it'll go away quickly so that I can have a good night's rest.
Managed to watch 'My Sister's Keeper' this morning and it made me cried. I didn't expect that it would be such a sad and touching story. It reminded me of dad as he had colon cancer and had to go through chemo made me realise how I should appreciate those around me. Anyway, I'm just happy that the chemo ended and he's getting his weight back.
Monday, November 16, 2009
brand new week
Had to go down to NDC to have my x-rays and mould done for my teeth. When the dentist removed the mould, it felt as though my whole teeth is going to drop off. I have to wait till Jan before I can have my braces so for the time being there's more consultation to come.
Tonight's going to be another late studying night.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
anyway, 11 more days to exam and I've finally completed my notes and the terrible part happens, memorising them. So I started watching 宫心计 and I'm already addicted to it. While waiting for it to load I'm watching 有营煮妇.
Things happened and I wondered: can ladies really trust guys? I don't know what made me wonder, it's not that I've had my heartbroken but I really wonder. I'm already pessimistic towards relationship, now guys breaking ladies trust are around me. Now I know why people say 好男人很难找.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
fun fun fun
went back to dad's place to stay for the night because of the early dental appointment on saturday. Anyway, had fun playing with baby and having 2 boys at home can be really noisy and terrible and Desiree's getting prettier and playful.
I squeezed on the the beds with the boys and I ended up being a tree for Dylan.

Woke up at 8am to go for the dental appointment, I can't recall how long was it that I stepped into a dental clinic. It isn't as scary as I thought but no matter what I still have to bear with the pain. Anyway, went back home to rest before heading out again to United Square's Toys R Us.
Dinner was at Edel's place and we had steamboat and a surprise birthday celebration for Jen.
It has been so long since the 5 of us spent time together gossiping, laughing and joking about stuff.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
tomorrow is the day
At times I wonder whether humans really have to go through rough patches in life before they learn?
So tomorrow will be my counsultation for my braces, hopefully everything goes on well. Initially I thought that dad was the one bringing me there, in the end it was stepmom. I don't know why but I felt like crying all of a sudden. I'm ok with her bringing me but it's just that I thought if dad was the one, at least we would be able to spend time together since it has been so long that he brought nall and I out. But what to do, he said that he might be busy tomorrow so he can't make it.
Now I know what people meant by with no hopes, there won't be disappointment. The greater your hopes, the greater your disappointment. I agree 100% with that.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
been a great weekend for me, going for CG to celebrate david's birthday, having dinner together as a family to bond and spending sunday at home.
the family dinner was indeed something which we won't regret as all of us were bloated after a 10 course meal of peking duck, salad prawns, broccoli with shitake mushroom, mango pudding, noodles, etc. By the time the noodles was served which was the 8th or 9th course, we just forced it in, however, the mango pudding is the best. It has been so long since we had dinner as a family and laughed non-stop. Had a walk down orchard road to digest the food and since it's halloween, people dressed up and were all over the place. Mom went ahead to take pictures with them while nall and i were hiding from them. All of them looked so scary, wonder how could they manage to see themselves that way. Some of the kids are obviously braver than us, this is to say that nall and i wouldn't last in a horror film.
I'm going to start writing my notes tonight, otherwise there won't be much time left. This means that i can't procrastinate anymore!