Friday, October 30, 2009
Desiree turns 1
went back to dad's place in the evening yesterday to celebrate meimei's birthday. She turns 1 officially and it's really an experience to see her grow up, from when she crawled to now that she's learning to walk. Anyway, things are going fine for me and nothing much is happening.
tonight's going to be a good night cos there's 'The Covenant'. i've watched it 3x but still not getting bored of it, maybe because this is the only show where all the actors are SO handsome.
so i met edel at amk hub and we walked around aimlessly not even window soon as the sky darkens,we went home. but in the end the rain poured even before i could reach home. So i ended up being stuck in the rain for more than 40 mins and people passing me with umbrella's didn't even offer to shelter me to the block. I contunued to get drenched and shivering while mom came and fetch me back. Guys, next time you see someone get stuck in the rain, be kind enough to shelter them.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
after bathing for fifi yesterday, we waited for time to pass and got her all ready for a day out.
it was hilarious bringing her out, she kept shivering in the cab and her fur flew all over the place. i felt so bad for the cab driver.
anyway,mom and nall went for a swim and fifi starting whining and kept jumping on and off the chair to look for them. in the end, i had to bring her for a walk cos the idiotic security guard kept staring at us, it's as though i'm going to let fifi down for a swim, walked her around kovan melody and also managed to clear her bowels. but i didn't manager to clean it cos she never does her business outside.
so after the swim, we walked over to look for ah yi. nitro's still rough and playful, not to say huge. fifi as usual is a scaredy cat, ran all over the place to look for hiding spots when nitro chased her. it was indeed a day of fun and laughters. how i wish everyday was like that.
Monday, October 26, 2009
surprisingly i'm not having monday blues today. this is the first time that the 3 of us are at home and not arguing or quarrelling. how i wish that i have the money to go on a holiday right now just before my exams starts. now i know why parents always say it's important to save but i did save when i was working. after i left my job so did my savings leave me. if only there's a way to save even when i'm not working.
anyway, the house is so beautiful now after the shelves are up and the walls are painted. the only thing that i'm hoping for is that i'll have the discipline to study.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
the late night starts
mom finally finished painting the our house is so much colourful then only being white. first paper's on 23rd nov and the late nights of writing notes and memorising the essays starts from tonight. i really hates it when exams around the corner, stress, lack of sleep, pimple breakouts, GOSH! how i wish that i'm working now instead of studying, there's no need to memorise essay and go though all the stress. but i guess that'll have to wait till 31st dec 2010 when my WHOLE degree course ends. the worst thing is that the world cup clashes with my final year project, it happens everytime. the first was when i was having my o-levels.
anyway,i found my resolution for the end of 2009 and 2010 which is: TO SAVE MONEY! cos i really want to go on a holiday after i finish the course. so i have to spend wisely next year.
Friday, October 23, 2009
end of term 3 year 2
it's the end of the term and also end of year 2.which means that once school starts it will be year 3.lesson ended at 11am and met edel to go to bugis in the evening.we had dinner before going shopping.but in the end we went home empty handed,both of us were too tired to buy anything.
tmr will be a busy day,going to help mom at the shop and also going back to dad's place.
it's exactly a month to the first paper,Marketing's going to be a month of late night for me.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
i'm glad it's done
PMS presentation is today and we are 17th on the list.As expected i'm able to memorise every single word before going on stage.but the moment i stood on the stage and looked at the audience and lecturer,my heart raced and i shaked all the non-stop.i'm just hoping that it won't affect the overall marks for the exam.
went back to dad's place after school for dinner and my leg ached like hell after being in heels the whole day.hopefully there won't be anymore presentation other than for the final year project.
2 more days till the fri and the holiday's are here!
Monday, October 19, 2009
I have decided what to get myself for christmas.tadah!
anyway, i have been eyeing it for ages so i finally decided to get it as a reward for myself. at first thought of getting iphone but it's too expensive and i don't have the ipod touch is the most practical one.ermm, anyone willing to chip in and get it for me? ; )
i finally decided to get it cos my mp3's spoilt and other than being able to listen to songs,i can also play games on it's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
it's sunday !!!
time flies this week cos it's already sunday!
next week will be the last week of school and then the whole thing starts all over, mugging for exams.i have finally completed my assignment and the only thing left is to edit the grammar, phrasing and stuff. i am going spend money later! got to buy printer ink, paper, formal tee for the presentation on wed, gosh lots of things to get.
i dread for wed to come cos i have to present, i really cross my fingers that i would not get stage fright cos it's part of the exam.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
went back to dad's place for dinner and nall was telling ma about the rom's surprising that dad and her could accept it i thought that they'll be furious or something.anyway,ma suddenly asked me when is my turn to rom and get married.the answer i gave was "still have to wait very long".she had a huge reaction to my answer "won't one la,as long as my criteria of guys is set not too high"
it's funny sometimes how parents will react when they talk about their kids future.
i haviing headache now,don't know if it's because of the weather or i'm loosing too much blood?
if only singapore's weather isn't so hot but i know it's impossible.
It's been a couple of days since sis broke her pregnancy news to us.till now i can't believe that she's a mother of Hailey or Haden (my 2 fav names for kids).anyway,i can't imagine that i'll be an aunt next june and dad and mom will be grandparents !
to nall:
no matter what problem you have you can always come to me.i'm proud too have you as my sis and i'm sure you can be a good mother to either Hailey or Haden. :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
i met up with moon at amk hub's coffee bean to discuss our assignment but we are on facebook and msn rather than studying,in the end we still managed to cover some areas.
the assignment is due on wed and i'm only halfway done and what's worse is that i still have to do a presentation on the same day,the only thing that i'm hoping for is that i won't get stage fright and forget what i'm supposed to say.
heard from nall that the hongkong trip might be cancelled,i'm happy and sad at the same time. happy is because that i don't have to miss any lessons while sad is that i have been waiting to experience weathers at below 20 degrees.anyway,there's still chance to go to hongkong in the future so no worries.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
this week has been a fun week in school being able to take things off my mind and to tell the truth, this week passed very quickly.
anyway,thought of charging and transferring songs to my ipod this morning but instead it DIED on me!irritating,i hate using my phone as mp3 and there's a make-up lesson tmr when there's not suppose to be any class.can't things get any better?

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Today's the last week of the 2 weeks break which means that classes resumes tomorrow!
It is good as it can take my mind off things and also having something to keep me occupied for the few hours.I have been stuck with my marketing homework and assignment for the whole of this week.Now i realize that degree's assignment are really different from those from diploma.
Anyway,went back to dad's place yesterday to have dinner.Desiree's getting cuter,more playful and naughtier.What to do she's still a baby and in 18 more days she'll turn a year old.
Watched phobia 2 again with edel,jen and jerene.Even though it is my 2nd time watching,it is still as scary and funny,the only difference is that there's nobody for me to grab when I'm scared.
Stayed home today to do my assignment and I managed to write something.The stress did not hit me until this afternoon when all of a sudden I felt like crying but as usual, I controlled my tears.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
out with mom to orchard yesterday to get her new phone and surprisingly she changed to nokia.
accompanied her to the outlet at ion and there was a G2000 fashion show and GOSH the guys are all so tall and need not say handsome.heehee.
anyway,after mom got her phone we walked to far east,had lunch and headed home before she leave for grandparents place for mahjong.AS USUAL i'm all alone at home with fifi as sis is at hogan's place.sometimes i wish that if only i had more siblings then i won't be bored at home with nobody to entertain and talk to me.
it's 3pm now and mom will be going out later and i'll be left at home!
Friday, October 02, 2009
these are SOME of the pictures taken over the weekend at sakura and zoo.
the zoo really is a good exercise for those who wants to slim down especially when it's in the afternoon.well at least i enjoyed myself seeing the kangaroos,otters,turtle which doesn't move AT ALL.the rest of the pictures are all on facebook.

Thursday, October 01, 2009
finally found the time and something to update.i've been busy for the past week bringing justin around and though it has been tiring but it was fun and enjoyable.the 1 week passed quickly and now i know what it means by time flies when you're having fun.
anyway,went out with sis,qiu rui and richard to orchard and sis bought LOTS of stuff.the shopping starts at around 2pm and we reached home around 8pm.i'm a good girl cos i didn't buy anything and i also survived shopping with heels.
tomorrow is another boring day during my 2 weeks break and i still have not start my assignment and it's due on 21st oct !!!