Thursday, March 26, 2009
another update
2nd April
4th April
9th April
14th May
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
have been a busy person this week,going out to shop and working.nothing special happened this week.
looked for sis ytd and went to the bike shop before dropping by bugis for ljs then they sent me home.for the rest of this week will be studying time and trying not to go out, in order to prepare for mon's MMS exam.
new term's going to start on 14th april and the timetable is horrible.
looked through the watches they have and decided on either of these 3.

which one looks better?
i just can't decide cos each has its own uniqueness.
new term's going to start on 14th april and the timetable is horrible.
looked through the watches they have and decided on either of these 3.

which one looks better?
i just can't decide cos each has its own uniqueness.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
back to dad's place on sat and only stayed around an hr or so cos dad had to meet his client and went off to meet ling sing and jia min.can't remember when was the last time that we met up.
sis and i both bought a book.couldn't remember what book nall got but i got Dan Brown's Angels and Demons (which i have been looking for for so long).
woke up around 8plus cos i WENT FOR CHURCH!!!ain't i a good girl,anyway had mom's company and the church was at woodlands.i remember the last time i went was pri 6 before i moved to's really diff going back to church after so long,it's a totally diff experience.
after sun service,went to ikea for shopping.i managed to buy a lamp for my side table and a cushion which i can hug when watching tv.last but not least a toy for mini,mynni,momo.
but i guess it's more suitable for mynni and momo.
Friday, March 20, 2009
1 more to go
there's 1 more paper to go before the exam for this whole term ends.
received the email for the timetable for next term and i definitely hate it!most of the lessons are from 3.30pm to 6.30pm and only 1-2 lessons are in the morning.
i dont't know whether its good or bad news,well at least i'm able to work before class and earn more.there's only 3 modules to tackle for the new term so hopefully it won't be too stressful.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
yet another day
went to look for sis yesterday and then headed off to plaza singapura.

the 2 kittens are really playful,the bite and scratch everything they see,they even bite jayd and pebbles.anyway,it can be noisy and dirty with so many pets around.the shopping trip was fun,i can't remember when was the last time both of us spent so much time together.
i found a funny thing about myself,i'm afraid of stray cats but not able afraid of the tame cats at home.cos i can go into kelvin's hse without worrying about the 3 cats they have.
had FM paper today and hopefully i did the questions right.i'm pretty confident but don't know if it's the correct type.
friday will the EI paper and it's sure going to be stressful,with all the notes to memorise and get into the head.
doesn't she sleep like a human?
Monday, March 16, 2009
went to ngee ann for dinner at coffee club with mom.on sunday.after that had a shopping spree,bought my risis charm and present for bought sandals so in the end all of us went home happily.
i only managed to sleep at 4.30am cos had to last min studying on corporate governance.anyway,
still have to thank edmund for giving me a call to ask me to read through in the end,i only managed to sleep for a couple of boiled the essence of chicken for me to drink to boost my energy.but other than it being bitter and tastes awful,i still feel sleepy.
but anyway still went ahead for the exam and it was held in the hall.
this is the first time that i had exam in the hall and it reminded me of o levels where everything is so least the chair is soft and comfortable.
after the exam,went to cineleisure to meet mom,eileen sis,nall and kelvin and edel came along too.
so had sushi for dinner,this is the first time that our table is full of plates.the dinner is really filling. bought a cardigan and went to heeren.
this week has been hectic and stressful.not having enough sleep cos had to study for the exam.
i really need a LONG LONG break to relieve my stress.otherwise i would really go crazy.
Friday, March 13, 2009
dear diary
seeing mom cry over work yesterday gave me a wake up call and from there i knew that i can't just give up like that.if i gave up then the amount of money that dad forked out will be wasted.
then this will give people things to gossip about,which sadly frequently happens to my family. so i have to prove them wrong.let them shut their mouth once and for all.
so i have to stick to the promise that i made to myself since the beginning of the course.that is to let mom have a better life so that she don't need to see peoples faces and also to be the first grandchild to get a degree.
i know that i can do it,i just lack the determination.
worst come to worst,i will just have to let go of my job and concentrate 100% on my studies.
Monday, March 09, 2009
my heads going to burst while im trying to get all the information needed for the exams next week.the one im most worried about is FM cos he didnt give any pointers for us to focus on,so the only thing to do is to read the whole textbook.
there are lots of things that i want to do once all the exams are over which is other than working.
1) get myself a new wallet
2) go to the zoo (which i have not been too in over 10years)
3) Coffee Club (before voucher is invalid)
all of these can only be achieved after my exams.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
it's getting closer
date for exams,FA,FM,MMS and EI are getting nearer and nearer everyday.this time i'm actually worried about how the exams going to turn out what mom would say "bu yao wan wan hor".maybe she's right and it struck me right in the head.
hey,this time it's degree no more diploma or adv diploma.everything is different,the course fees also more expensive so i can't afford to re-module.(touch wood).
now then did i realise the only time i'm able to turn on my laptop is when i have to look EI information.going to take 1 week off work to FOCUS on my exams.
16th to 30th march is the critical date.
so don't any of you ask me out.don't be so bad to tempt me.
TO my sister yeo: I LOVE YOU TOO